Truthful to Oneself

Most evenings, I take a little time and ask the following: Did I do the best I could, With everything I have, from where I was in time and space, being how I was, and feel complete? I love this inquiry and what rises from it. Bryan Wagner

Tao of Useful Stories

Sometimes I find myself being challenged by someone because I will say something about avoiding believing the stories we tell ourselves are real, nor do we have to act on them. Some people get very defensive about their stories and want to argue about their value. I never say stories of any kind are useless... Continue Reading →

Self is a Story

"The world will ask you who you are, and if you don't know, the world will tell you." - C. Jung I am willing to embrace that much of what I think of as "I," is highly conditioned by society, only represents my entire process, and has much less control than I ever could have... Continue Reading →

The Tao of being a Sea Squirt

Sea squirts are marine invertebrates, little sac-like creatures. They initially have a rudimentary brain that they use to find a nice safe rock to Attach themselves permanently, and then they absorb their own brains, turning into a stimulus response feeder. Anil Seth, who authored the book "Being You, A New Science of Consciousness," suggests that... Continue Reading →

Tao of Flight

I was out of the house today for the first time in twelve days. An unfortunate combination of severe food poisoning and walking pneumonia had me down for a while. But early this morning I finally felt well enough to go for a walk at the local park, it was wonderful! Just being able to... Continue Reading →

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