The Tale of a Story

Although there is no intellectual permanent self, there is an ongoing narrative that creates a thread. Well, yesterday's post created a lot of questions. Sigh, I have no answers, only what experience offers. What appears to be an "I" continues to apppear, fade without attention, and then reappear when attention returns. But that doesn't mean... Continue Reading →

The Tao of Boundaries

"In a very real sense, there are no boundaries that delineate or define me. In reality we are all permeable from skin to streaming thoughts, and we are woven into life." - Unknown There are no boundaries in woven cloth. Everything interacts and is connected, there's nowhere to isolate and all threads are the whole... Continue Reading →

Moments of Fall

Sometimes, a perfect moment, comes and goes, in the span of time it takes for you and I to experience, an autumn leaf, falling in softly relentless spins, to brush and embrace the earth, a returning home. Every single moment contains something worth noticing, whether alone, or with someone you love. Bryan Wagner

Waiting Patiently

Lately I've noticed most of the time things answer themselves, resolve themselves, find direction, and supply meanings, without me having to do a thing besides wait, breath, and experience stillness as the entire universe evolves swiftly. Flowing along like a leaf in a stream, no resistance, no new drama, just enmeshed in the experience of... Continue Reading →

Caring isn’t Free

"Caring about others is easy until it starts to cost something." - Summer Spiders It's insanely easy to talk about caring, to "say nice things" about someone, complement or encourage, and all of it is free once I get past conditioned personalities self obsession. How nice. And it's good to offer people something positive. It... Continue Reading →

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