Knowing Tao

So, at this moment I'm sitting in a waiting room at Ascension Hospital in Novi, MI, waiting on the outcome of a serious operation. It's difficult, so difficult, waiting and not knowing which of all the outcomes will manifest. The last surgery four months ago took seven hours, hopefully this one will be a bit... Continue Reading →


I took a few days off to climb Grandfather Mt in North Carolina and had a most wonderful experience. I had arrived at the McRaes Peak my usual destination. A while afterwards Marie, arrived, a delightful and engaging woman from Great Britan. We started chatting and were soon telling stories to each other. Soon afterwards... Continue Reading →

Some Things

"There is nothing at all that can be talked about adequately, and the whole art of poetry is to say what can't be said." - Alan W. Watts "So write it down, it might be read. Nothings better left unsaid, And all in all, still no doubt, it's hard to see, it all works out.... Continue Reading →

Expressing Tao

"Be yourself, an original is so much better than a copy." I love expressing myself artistically when the urge rises. For me it manifests in music, drawing, and painting. I struggled with expressing the self for a long time. In part because I was confused about how ego relates to self-expression. What changed? I gave... Continue Reading →

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