Moments and Tao

"Life isn't a matter of milestones, but of moments." - Rose Kennedy I truly love this thought. When I think back on things of significance, those things that had impact and carried emotions, it is always the smaller moments that seem to rise. Not the big dramatic stuff but only singular moments in attention. Playing... Continue Reading →

Tao and Choice

If I find myself attempting to choose  between right and wrong it’s because I’m already heavily attracted to the action of wrong. If I weren’t attracted to it why would I be struggling with the question? Of course knowing that doesn't mean making the choice will be any easier, but it is an interesting perspective... Continue Reading →

Being Happy

"In order to be happy oneself, it is necessary to make at least one other person happy." - Theodor Reik Well that pretty much says it all, doesn't it? I used to chase after "Being Happy" constantly. I read a lot of books, read articles, attended workshops, and discussed happiness with a lot of "Teachers."... Continue Reading →


Doing is not as easy as having an intention to do. I think it's important to contemplate this process, because if we are not aware we end up suffering because we did not follow through on an intention. It's good to notice that thoughts are the easy part, intention is a thought until I act.... Continue Reading →

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