The Tao of Words

"A disciplined mind brings happiness." - Buddha No it doesn't. I mean it could if it existed, but for me in my experience, it doesn't. Wow, how arrogant I must be to go against the words of the wonderful always right Buddha. But listen, this is another comment attributed to the same guy. Buddha's having... Continue Reading →

Roles and the Tao

"A person playing a role will eventually forget their lines....... Pay attention, the act can't go on forever." - Kendrick Perkins I'm always wobbling around when I end up with a role. I was involved in a project and part of a group discussion. My "role" was to formulate an agenda with another person and... Continue Reading →

Tao of Trust

"The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them." - Ernest Hemingway Very Zen. Very Practical. We were exploring trust in a small group yesterday and the subject of "learning to trust" came up. It seemed to be a theme all day yesterday. How do people who don't "trust"... Continue Reading →

The Tao of a Heart

"When the heart truly understands, it lets go of everything." - Ajahn Chan If you're a meditator you've probably heard the "Let go" phrase a lot. Spiritual authority is build on the silliest things. Like the awesome skill of "JUST LETTING GO." We have these images of people floating through personal disasters and the evils... Continue Reading →

The Tao of Knowing Shit

"People who know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." - Isaac Asimov I wonder what Isaac's nickname is? Recently I've become more aware of how many superior advanced people there are on the planet. The meditation culture, regardless of what formula you want to follow, is made of people who... Continue Reading →

A Birthday’s Tao

"An ending is not the end." - k. Tolnoe It's all relative. I mean everything. Contingent. Mysterious. Unknown. It seems every time I think I know something, I don't. Ah-ha turns to Oh-no. No wonder I occasionally suffer from anxiety, worry, fear, and the dreaded feeling that I'm never going to figure out what my... Continue Reading →

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